August 16, 2023

Surviving the Office: The Work Spouse

Professional Portraits

Most of us will spend a significant chunk of our lives at work, surrounded by water-cooler talk, office gossip, and the never-ending hum of whatever type of equipment. But fear not! In this insane and wild world, there's a special type of human known as the "work spouse." Yes, you heard it right! Having a work spouse is like having your very own superhero sidekick. So, let's dive into the importance of having a work spouse through a heart-warming picture-sprinkled tale!

The Work Spouse, Your Everyday Sane-in-a-Mad-World Companion:

Having a work husband is like finding a rare unicorn in a domino lineup of gray cubicles. They're your go-to person for office tea, lunch break dates, and mid-afternoon snack runs. They understand your daily struggles, from dealing with the daily commute to navigating the treacherous waters of interdepartmental politics. They're the one who hands you a box of tissues when your boss bullies you again and gives you that knowing glance of solidarity.

Shared Laughter: The Best Stress Buster in the Office:

In the midst of looming deadlines and stressful client calls, the work spouse becomes your partner in crime when it comes to finding humor in the chaos. They're the ace of the inside joke, the king of puns, and the queen of sarcasm. From cat memes shared over instant messaging to hilarious encounters with the rush hour foot traffic, they ensure that the office remains a place of laughter and amusement. Because let's face it, laughter is the best way to survive some days.

The Evolution: From Work Spouse to Friend Extraordinaire:

But here's the magical thing about work spouses: they eventually become so much more than just a cubicle buddy. As the hours turn into days, and the days into years, the bond you share transcends the confines of the office. You realize that you've found a true friend, someone who stands by you through both career highs and lows. They celebrate your promotions, console you during tough times, and remind you that life outside the office is just as exciting.


In this rollercoaster ride called work, having a work spouse can make all the difference. They bring laughter, support, and camaraderie to the office, turning mundane tasks into memorable moments. But let's not forget the bigger picture—friends are the real superheroes who make every day a little more extraordinary. So, embrace the laughs, cherish the friendships, and remember that life is meant to be enjoyed with the people who make your heart smile!

The Experience:

"Always really easy and fun to work with Hello. Magnolia. Melissa will get a smile out of you without even trying!"

- Phillip (a faithful and adoring work spouse)