February 12, 2024

Tattooed Humans

Series Projects

A visual documentation of individuality, resilience, and the artistry that resides within each tattooed soul. It is a reminder to examine and challenge the systems in place and to encourage others to break away from conformity.

Please contact me if you would like to be a part of this body of work.

February 2024

April 2023

January 2023

a Note from the Photographer

Thank you so much for taking the time to view these images. This project is so dear to me because not only am I too, a tattooed human, I am also fascinated by how tattoos are viewed in society and revered in cultures around the world. In my lifetime, the tattoo industry in my home country (USA) has evolved and grown in so many ways. The expectation to hide your ink is lessening, the stereotypes are not uttered as often. Artists are wielding new tools, new styles and methods are being developed and mastered.

Though the industry is not free from it's faults, it's one that has fascinated me since I was nine years old. I'm so grateful to the individuals who have been a part of the series so far, I couldn't do this without your trust!

- Mel